The Better Boundaries Challenge
The Better Boundaries Challenge is a power packed video course that will teach you how to set limits, so you can GET YOUR OWN NEEDS MET, and have happy and healthy relationships.
The truth is dealing with DIFFICULT PEOPLE isn't easy.
It’s incredibly frustrating if you have someone in your life who repeatedly violates your personal boundaries. You try to draw a line in the sand, yet they trample all over you again and again.
If you grew up in a household where you were not taught personal boundaries it can be scary to set limits with the difficult people in your life.
I like how the challenge takes you through a step by step process of strengthening your boundaries. The course helped me gain confidence setting limits with others. Now I feel more comfortable saying no and standing up for myself.
Make Standing Up for Yourself Simple
Our easy-to-follow challenges help make setting limits with challenging people easy!
We all want to feel confident when we set boundaries with others,
but sometimes we struggle with the step by step process....
A STEP BY STEP video course that will teach you how to boundary up with the challenging people in your life.
Your secret weapon for dealing with pesky boundary breakers
- Pick out the perfect thing to say to set limits with others ahead of time, so that you are prepared not stressed out during a visit.
- We'll show you how to set clearly defined boundaries, so people have clear expectations, and unexpected problems won't arise.
- You'll develop a confidence knowing that you can set limits, even if the person has walked all over you in the past.
- Reduce stress by having clear boundaries in place with the most challenging people in your life, and avoid repeating negative patterns.
- Improve your relationships with the people in your life by setting clear boundaries, they will know where they stand.
The challenge is incredibly helpful and will help teach you to build boundaries in your life. The What You Will No Longer Tolerate lesson is very transformative.
Walk away with
- Quickly get clarity about what you will and will not tolerate in your life.
- Learn how to say no without the guilt, so that you no longer end up in situations where you don’t want to be.
- Pick out the perfect thing to say ahead of time, so that you are prepared and not stressed during get togethers.
- Transform the way you set up your life so there is a framework in place for repeat boundary breakers.
- Everything you need to know about going no contact with impossible people, allowing you to break free from toxic relationships.
Bryn is a fantastic teacher. She is a down to earth person who is funny and easy to understand. If you have a person in your life who is tormenting you and not respecting your boundaries, this course will help you fix that. The strategies she gives have helped me enforce boundaries and lead a more relaxing, problem-free life.
I get it
I'm Bryn, and I know exactly how horrible it feels when you have someone in your life who walks all over you and refuses to respect your personal boundaries.
I had an unusual childhood that led me on this journey. I grew up as the only child of a single mother. Our family was different from other families, not only because I had a single parent, but because of the way my mother would talk to me.
My mother would say the most cruel and horrible things.
She would also play a game of insulting me publicly in front of my friends. She would even pick fights with me, and then encourage my friends to gang up on me and turn against me.
All I knew is that my mother had really bad behaviour, and for my own survival I needed to set some extremely firm boundaries.
At this stage in my life, I basically had no boundaries and didn’t know how to stand up for myself.
I had never been taught how to set limits with people growing up. I decided to stop letting her meet any of my friends. I had started to set some boundaries.
While dealing with my mother’s impossible behaviour, I studied all that I could about setting boundaries.
I tried different ways of setting limits, verbally, physically and by setting up a framework.
Some of them worked.
And some didn’t work at all.
So I dug a little deeper to understand the psychology of boundaries. I wanted to be able to answer what worked why.
I set up a system for setting boundaries that worked, and I tested the system with all of the difficult people in my life.
I found out what worked, what didn’t work and what to say in every situation to make things go smoothly.
Since discovering this method of setting boundaries, I’ve gone on to help over 476 people set limits with the challenging people in their lives with amazing results.
This system changed the way I approached my entire life, and how I treat myself. I went from putting everyone else's needs ahead of my own to finally putting boundaries in place with people who were sucking up all of my life energy. Since I have learned to say no I am much happier. Thank you for creating a system that actually works!
- Step by step video course (Valued at $97)
- 1 workbook (Valued at $27)
- Cheat Sheet with what to say to boundary violators. (Valued at $19)
- Cheat sheet of what to say to difficult friends and family. in any situation. (Valued at $17)
- New You Self Care Workbook (Valued at $19).
- Scripts for Difficult Conversations (Valued at $19).
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the workshop start and finish?
This is a self-paced online workshop - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the workshop?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this workshop for as long as it exists online - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the workshop?
We want you to LOVE your workshop! We offer a 30 day happiness guarantee. Just email us at info@ishouldhavesaid if you need a refund.
I's time to start saying yes to yourself, learn to prioritize your own well being?
It's time to put yourself on your own agenda. By making yourself a priority, you will become the best version of yourself. Our ultra-practical strategies that you can implement right away will help you stay focused on your goals, instead of prioritizing everyone else around you. With firm boundaries in place, you will have more energy for what is important to you, so you can live the life that you truly desire.